fashion for faith in four colors: 2012 Thinspiration Miami Beach Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Swim 2012
Showing posts with label 2012 Thinspiration Miami Beach Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Swim 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012 Thinspiration Miami Beach Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Swim 2012. Show all posts

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Belief system - who or what you believe,

Belief system - who or what you believe,

There are many sites in the world that people in one direction over another lean motivated. External stimuli is a powerful force that can affect the whole country to move to the right or to the left. Consider motivator, as the wind pushed the boat. To be able to use the wind, you have to adjust the screen to catch the wind and use it to its greatest advantage. Driver screen. This is the next aspect that will help you to find your niche. As I progress through the list of nine aspects that will help you to determine your niche, your driver is causing you take the ride.

Make ago aspect on which you will help your niche is the driver's aspect. Driver is an internal system of beliefs that cause you to, a particular decision, the things that you do pursue passion. Control is not arousal. This is an internal force that motivates you to pursue your passion. These are your values, principles and beliefs. Someone principles have a strong driver. Someone working principles with a strong character, moral values are high and deep personal conviction that would motivate him to do the right thing, even in the face of opposition. Drivers are cause you to exceed your expectations to overcome difficult obstacles, and takes into account the difficulties in the process of realization. There are five basic internal systems, which together form the individual driver. These driver or internal systems, has the ability to reduce external motivators world. External motivators are usually reactive behavior, which means that something must in your area before changing them act cause. Drivers tend to proactive behavior, which means that you can identify changes in your environment and perform act. Therefore, either the driver you are using, the greater the degree of influence.

Everyone has a system of values (what you appreciate in high esteem), belief systems (in what or who you believe), the system behavior (reverse process of how you act and react in the world), the system logic (filter you in the identification and dissemination of information use), and a system of principles (where you draw the line). Fifth system keeps your drivers. Driver You have the option to override the external motivators. For example, if the workplace developed situation that could cause the company to tens of thousands of dollars of clothing from the sale and the family in the middle of the jungle without food or a place to leave for the weekend to fix it, have you, what would you do? This situation Customer nightmare. This is an external motivator. But because you appreciate your family, your driver to protect your family is to override the external motivators. Most people do not leave their families hungry and homeless. This is a hypothetical example (and one extreme to illustrate a point), but you may encounter situations that give you the question, because it is counter to make the risk of breaking one of the five systems or drivers. Let each of these systems to help unwrap me to better understand how they affect your niche.

Belief system - who or what you believe,

There are three basic belief system in the world today. They also believe that the highest believe tenants several fonts in humanism quasi-religious or secular humanism fixed. Although there are various levels and the application of the three systems of belief, which is now found a fundamental belief system in the world. From the three branches of the belief system of religious and secular worldviews different. To put it differently, it is a religion, faith agnostic or atheist. Religious belief systems on the basis of the cannon of Scripture. It tends to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All other religious systems are part of a quasi-religious humanism, which provides the highest beings in the image and likeness of man. It is also called display agnostic, meaning that there is a belief that a higher power, it may be, but people who can never really know for sure known. Then there is the humanistic belief system that says that people are all there. World View, your belief system is an important factor in finding your niche. Your belief system is the keel on the boat. This makes the system stable and protect you from the overturned by strong winds and rough seas.

Value system - what you value in high esteem

A value set by the system in order to prioritize things in your life that you hold near and dear in your heart. The things that you. Do not always value the things that get the most amount of your energy Let me explain. If you have something in the high prices that do not get a large amount of energy it that you are experiencing a lack of balance. Because dropped the reality of life in the world, there are competing priorities in your life that you rob your energy system of values. So you can appreciate your family especially, but there are long hours, deadlines necessary work to meet. I would suggest that the process of identifying your niche will ask you the energy you realign in life and aspects of your life that you spend a guess. If you ever at home plate, I stood and put his forehead at the end at the end of the bat and spin ten times and then tried to run, you know what it means to experience a lack of balance. Life can make you dizzy when you power on the things that do not hold in high esteem you spend. Here is a short list of the dimensions of life that you need to help you identify your niche to give priority.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Want to Become the ONE? Master These Skills to Become a Rock Star Business Leader

Want to Become the ONE? Master These Skills to Become a Rock Star Business Leader

I attended an event at a huge ballroom with over 500 people in attendance and others still trickling in. I was to meet with a specific person and then leave so I sat near the back of the room so I could sneak out of the room inconspicuously.
Suddenly there was a lot of activity near one of the entrance doors. When I looked back to see what all of the commotion was about, I realized that it was him - THE ONE. He had stopped everyone in the room and as he walked toward the front of the room all eyes turned to watch. He stopped to greet several people; nodding and shaking hands as he made his way to the front of the room.
We all know the one when we see him or her. It's that person with such amazing charisma that it captures the attention of everyone in the room. They exude confidence and leadership. And, in the boardroom, at the annual office party, or at a cocktail client reception, they are always professionally dressed impeccably and appropriately.
Can't put your finger on the one thing that makes the one, the one? That's because there isn't just one trait but a set of leadership qualities resulting in executive presence that has been developed over time to make them stand out above the rest. Your executive presence is the faith and trust that others have in your abilities and expertise. Professionals with executive presence exude confidence and have the ability to ignite and persuade. These leaders are in tune to the needs of others and seem to know exactly what to do in any given business situation.
However, there's no magic or special quality needed to get closer to your leadership goals in your organization, field or industry. To develop executive presence it is important to understand what leadership qualities you currently possess and where you should place your development focus.
Here are some of the most common leadership characteristics that you can cultivate NOW:
  1. Effective communications: The ONE can clearly, concisely and convincingly communicate. They understand the importance of both verbal and non-verbal cues and easily express themselves to an audience of one or auditorium of one thousand.

  2. Image & executive presence: These leaders have a style and professional image that is polished and professional. They consistently dress appropriately for any professional function and their image conveys trust and communicates their expertise. In addition, they demonstrate an understanding of the standards in which business people operate, communicate and collaborate.

  3. Calm demeanor: She exudes a quiet confidence and approach a challenge in a way that is logical, and collected. This demeanor communicates that you are in control even in challenging situations.

  4. Emotional intelligence: The One has a high EQ and can understand, identify and manage emotions in positive ways and has a tremendous ability to sympathize with others and diffuse conflict. Click here for an in depth Forbes piece on developing this trait.

  5. Body language: Remember the song lyric "Let me hear your body talk?" Well it does and no matter what you say your body language speaks volumes about how you really feel. Learn how to control and use nonverbal gestures and movements to reinforce your message.

  6. Self-reflection: The One knows how to dig deep and examine their values, goals, and identify areas of growth and improvement. They don't wait for others to identify where they can get better, they actively seek opportunities to learn grow and get better.
Becoming the one is not magic. Take the time to cultivate these skills and watch the rise of your executive presence and opportunities.

By Tonya Seavers Evans

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Thinspiration

Anytime I reach for a left over sweetie or a stray bag of crisps, I will immediately look at this image and remember why I must put down the carbs/sugar/fat. Admittedly, I'll never look like this - but I can treat my body well and try to be the best that I can be. 

Luxe By Lisa Vogel 2012 show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim in Miami Beach, Florida.  
 Image courtesy of Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim, with thanks.