fashion for faith in four colors: Happy New Year 2011 2012 love health happiness
Showing posts with label Happy New Year 2011 2012 love health happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy New Year 2011 2012 love health happiness. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, it's New Year's Eve and 2011 will come to an end tonight. It's been a fast, eventful year and one that has brought lots of happiness. 
My two beautiful friends Candice and Nicki gave birth to two even more beautiful daughters, Carmen (who I am Godmother to) and Freya. It's hard to express how much love I feel for them - these girls are the sisters I never had so I love them, and therefore love their families and beautiful babies as much. They are very special to me. 
My other very special "sister" finally got her a maaaan! Clarabell, if you are up the aisle before me, we're going to have problems! I don't mean it, you know that, and I hope that you and Mr B are happy together always. Shotgun Chief Bridesmaid. 
2011 also brought me a paid, freelance writing gig for an international fashion magazine - long awaited! Here's to 2012 when it's published. Fingers crossed I haven't jinxed it. I also found myself with a new 9-5. You might call it a promotion, so here's to success!
2011 also brought me some new friends: Karen, Claire and Stephanie, as well as Tweeps Molly, Mark, Sam, Jayne, Shelly, and many, many more who are all lovely, lovely people.
I think that 2011 has been a good year for me, and I hope it has been for you too. I have recognised what I want in life but also what is important: LOVE. May 2012 bring more love, happiness and good health, to one and all. Happy New Year.