Happy New Year!!! - fashion for faith in four colors

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Oh dear. I haven't blogged in over two weeks! I'm sorry to all of my faithful followers - I hate that disappointment and frustration when you check out a blog you follow, only to find (each time you check) that there is nothing new. Surely blogging should be constantly new, constantly updated and perpetual? I guess, but as I've said before on The Daydreamer, I only plan to post when I'm feeling inspired or excited about something, and recently I've been far too busy with each! Busy doing what, you ask. Hmm. What can I say, it's been Christmastime. ;)
Talking of Christmastime, I was spoiled rotten with gifts and I wanted to share this one with you. It's from one of three best friends (they all know me so well:  Nic gave me a clutch bag and Clare gave me Nivea lipbalm and Crystal Finish by Leighton Denny ) while Candice gave me this gorgeous bracelet by Warehouse. My favourite things! Don't you think the bracelet has a certain Lanvin feel about it? On second thoughts, perhaps it's more of a cuff. What do you think? Whatever it is, it definitely brightens up a basic T, and this is what I plan for 2011 - to brighten the dull hues of routine!

Above: Bracelet by Warehouse, nail colour is Jermyn Street by Nails Inc.

(FYI if you're interested, my New Years Resolutions are: a) push myself in jogging and swimming, walk further more often - basically get some more of this fat a** off; b) save money - I mean really save money - as of February though due to January sales, obvi; c) take better care of my home and d) have more self belief and work harder to achieve my dreams in relation to my writing. What are your resolutions for 2011?)

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