Time to DoDo - fashion for faith in four colors

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Time to DoDo

After a couple of weeks off work (read here "a couple of weeks of self-indulgence"), this weekend I am finally getting around to organising my writing workload and preparing for going back to the day job. 
First, I have to get my head around going back to the daily routine of 9-5. 

07:00 - force myself out of bed and into the shower, hopefully resembling something of human life form before leaving the house.
07:45 - run for bus.
08:30 - arrive at work and let the day begin.
12:30 - lunchtime!
13:30 - back to the grindstone.
17:00 - hometime!

Not only do I have to settle back into this somewhat repetitive itinerary, it's now time to think about a healthy lifestyle. The champagne, carbs and chocco m&ms have taken their toll, and I have to start my healthy eating plan and regular exercise regime again. Luckily, at the day job, there's a staff pool so I swim three times a week. Jogging is another three times a week, as well as walking gorgeous Mya Dog. Coffee and banana for breakfast, salad for lunch, then a hearty dinner, no snacking, peppermint tea in the evening, yada yada yada. (Although, to be honest, I am kinda looking forward to it now).
On top of this, I have to get the house into tip-top shape (hoovering, dusting, buffing, shining, polishing, etc, etc) and reduce the mountain-like ironing pile. I also have to get busy with the freelance writing, and make a start on that book if I ever want to accomplish my life ambition! 
Not only do I need to consider the daily grind, the eating, the exercise, the dog, the cat, the house, the freelancing, I need to spend time with Mr Man (who works almost every Saturday, making things a bit difficult), with Mum (who works evenings, making things a bit difficult) and with my very important girls, one of which has a bun in the oven meaning I need to be an even better, more considerate friend for the next few months (making things a bit difficult!).
All in all, I have my work cut out for me.
Thank heavens for my Dodo Pad. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without it. I note everything down on my Dodo Pad and keep track of what's due and when, who's coming and when, where I'm going and when, and so on. Even better, it goes right on through 2011. I really don't know where I'd be without it. Or where my marbles would be.


The Dodo Pad is practical and helps with keeping track of deadlines, appointments, etc - but it also has a fun, quirky side to it, making the dull responsbilities of life that little bit more bearable.

The Dodo Pad range is available from £7.50. Get yours now at www.dodopad.com

With thanks to Azaria PR for sending me a Dodo Pad.

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